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Calculator Guides

TI-84 Plus Faq

Alex September 16, 2024

TI-84 Plus is one of the best graphing calculators on the market today.

How to find … questions

How to find standard deviation on TI-84 plus?

In statistics, the standard deviation (SD, also represented by the lower case Greek letter sigma σ or the Latin letter s) is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be close to the mean (also called the expected value) of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range of values.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation

Standard Deviation:

Step 1. Press STAT Button and select “1: Edit” in menu.

Finding Standard Deviation on TI-84 Plus Step 1
In this menu, you can enter each value in the dataset. You will see the table with columns labeled from L1 to L6. If you have any data in this list you need to clear it before continue. Go up to L1 and push “Clear” button and then “Enter”. Standard Deviation on TI-84 plus

Step 2. Enter your data

Enter your numbers and press enter after each of them.

Standart Deviation Finding on Ti-84 data entering

Step 3. Press “Stat” button again and go to “Calc” menu. Choose “1-Var Stats” and press “Enter”.

Var stats on Ti-84 Plus

Step 4. On this screen you need choose the list which you want to calculate. I use L1, so I choose it and go 2x down and click “Calculate”

1-Var Stats Step 2 TI-84 plus

Step 5. Results

Here is we see several different values.
You need Sx which is mean Standard Deviation.

Standart Deviation on TI-84 Plus finding Results Screen

How to program quadratic formula in TI-84 Plus


Quadratic Fomula Program:

Step 1. Click “Program” => “New” => Create

quadratic formula on ti-84

Step 2. Call it. For example “Quad”. And Click “Enter”

quadratic formula on ti-84 plus

Step 3. Click on “2nd” button and then “0” button to open catalog. Choose a+bi and click “Enter”.

a+bi on ti-84 plus

Step 4. Click “Enter” again => “Program” => Right to I/O Menu => Choose “Promt” => “Enter”

Choose promt on Ti-84 plus calculator

Step 5. Enter “Alpha A, Alpha B, Alpha C” by clicking on “Alpha” Button, then “A” button and “,” button. Repeat with B and C. Click “Enter”.

Alpha A, Alpha B, Alpha C enter to Ti-84 plus

Step 6. Enter “(-B-√(B²-4AC))/(2A) ->(STO button) D”. Click “Enter”

Enter formula to TI-84 Plus

Step 7. Enter “(-B+√(B²-4AC))/(2A) ->(STO button) E”. Click “Enter”

Quadratic formula program on Ti-84 PLus

Step 8. Click “Program” button => Right to I/O Menu => Choose “Disp” and click “Enter”

Disp on TI-84 PLus

Step 9. Enter “D, E” (by clicking Alpha, D, comma, Alpha, E) . Click “Enter”. That’it. Click 2nd + Quit to exit.

Display the quad on ti-84plus

Step 10. Let’s test the program. Click “Program” choose “quad” and press “enter”

Step 11. Enter Let’s test the program. Click “Program” choose “quad” and press “enter”. Enter A, B, C and get results. That’s it.

How to do fractions on a TI-84 Plus

Simple Fraction

Step 1. Click “Alpha”=>”F1”. Now you are in Fraction menu. Select 1 option and press “Enter”.

You can enter numerator to enter denumenator press “down” button and enter it. When finish press “Right” button. Now you can enter +/- etc. To enter new fraction repeat Step 1.

Calculate fraction result on TI-84 plus

Step 2. To calculate fraction just press “Enter”

Fraction menu on TI-84 PLus
Fraction with mix number

Step 1. Click “Alpha”=>”F1”. Now you are in Fraction menu. Select 1 option and press “Enter”.

You can enter numerator to enter denumenator press “down” button and enter it. When finish press “Right” button. Now you can enter +/- etc. To enter new fraction repeat Step 1.

Fraction menu on TI-84 PLus

Step 2. To add second fraction with mix number click “Alpha”=>”F1” and choose second option. Now you can enter this fraction.

Step 3. Press “Enter” button to get result.

Here we have improper fraction. Let’s convert it to Mix Fraction in next step..

Result of Calculation fraction with mix number on ti-84 plus

Step 4. Press “Alpha” => F1 => Choose Option 3 and press “Enter”. Then press “Entee” one more time to get result.

Convert to mix fraction ti-84plus

How to find correlation coefficient

Correlation Coefficient

Step 1. Importan. Turn On Diagnostic.

You need make it just once, so if you enable it before just skip this step. If you doesn’t do it you won’t see R and R squared when do your work. To turn it ot Click “2nd” => “0” => Diagnstic On. => “Enter” => “Enter”

Turn On diagnostics on Ti-84 plus

Step 2. Enter your Data

Click “Stat” => 1. Edit => “Enter” and enter your data.

Put data to ti-84 for find correlation coefficient

Step 3. Calculate it.

Click “Stat” => Right to Calculate => 4. LinReg (ax+b). Then click “Calculate”.

Linear Regreation calculation on ti-84 plus

Step 4. Get the result

LinReg calc on ti-84 plus result

How to do absolute value

Absolut Value

Step 1. Press “Math” => “Right” to “Num” Tab => 1. abs( => “Enter”

absolute value on ti-84

Step 2. Enter your Data and Press “Enter”. That’s it.

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